Busy, Busy, Busy

This week has so far progressed pretty much as I expected. I get through the busy day, come home, eat and crash out on the couch. After a nap, I get up, stitch a bit and then go to bed. Repeat all week. 🙂 So, don’t be terribly surprised that you don’t hear much from me this week.

I have a headache tonight. Brought on by stress. I was pulled into an impromptu meeting after a team meeting that I missed today and the results sent my blood pressure (I assume) and stress level through the roof. Have you ever noticed that interactions with certain people always end up being stressful? I’m starting to figure things out. The more patterns that I can decipher, the more I can avoid things that trigger the headaches.

Okay, time to stitch. I got another name done on my World Trade Center quilt panel last night; 4 left. After tonight, there will probably be 3 left. At this rate, I can easily knock it out in time to mail it next week. Woot!

About Jenna Magee

IT professional, needleworker, editor/proofreader, author, singer, musician.
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4 Responses to Busy, Busy, Busy

  1. AnneS says:

    Yay, it’s really good that you’re working out some stress trigger factors – it’s all gotta help in the long run with dealing with those dratted headaches! BTW your WTC quilt is looking great – what a wonderful project to be involved in! 🙂

  2. Outi says:

    That’s one reason to get even more introverted, at least in my case. People who always end up getting my blood pressure high. (So, apparently migraine sufferers should just move into little cave and spend their life’s stitching. ;))

    But it’s really good to get to know one’s triggers, really. In the end it makes life easier, and possibly even decreases amount of your headaches for good. And that is a really good thing!

    Your WTC quilt panel is coming out great, btw. 🙂

  3. Von says:

    Yes, Jenna, I’ve noticed that there are certain people that affect me that way – most noticeably my youngest sister. Happily she lives far away and isn’t a part of my everyday life. Maybe if you treated yourself to something after your meeting?

  4. Kim says:

    Sorry to hear about all the stress. Yes I can relate to the fact that “some people” trigger stress headaches. I had one working w/ me for 6 years and he left earlier this year and WOW, the headache is gone. LOL (I might be exagerating a bit, just a bit). ;P Happy stitching!

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